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There is no doubt that land cover and climate changes have consequences on landslide activity, but it is still an open issue to assess and quantify their impacts. Wanzhou County in southwest China was selected as the test area to study rainfall-induced shallow landslide susceptibility under the future changes of land use and land cover (LULC) and climate. We used a high-resolution meteorological precipitation dataset and frequency distribution model to analyse the present extreme and antecedent rainfall conditions related to landslide activity. The future climate change factors were obtained from a 4-member multi-model ensemble that was derived from statistically downscaled regional climate simulations. The future LULC maps were simulated by the land change modeller (LCM) integrated into IDRISI Selva software. A total of six scenarios were defined by considering the rainfall (antecedent conditions and extreme events) and LULC changes towards two time periods (mid and late XXI century). A physically-based model was used to assess landslide susceptibility under these different scenarios. The results showed that the magnitude of both antecedent effective recharge and event rainfall in the region will evidently increase in the future. Under the scenario with a return period of 100 years, the antecedent rainfall in summer will increase by up to 63% whereas the event rainfall will increase by up to 54% for the late 21st century. The most considerable changes of LULC will be the increase of forest cover and the decrease of farming land. The magnitude of this change can reach + 22.1% (forest) and –9.2% (farmland) from 2010 until 2100, respectively. We found that the negative impact of climate change on landslide susceptibility is greater than the stabilizing effect of LULC change, leading to an over decrease in stability over the study area. This is one of the first studies across Asia to assess and quantify changes of regional landslide susceptibility under scenarios driven by LULC and climate change. Our results aim to guide land use planning and climate change mitigation considerations to reduce landslide risk.  相似文献   
《China Geology》2023,6(2):228-240
The Sichuan-Tibet transportation corridor is located at the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, where the complex topography and geological conditions, developed geo-hazards have severely restricted the planning and construction of major projects. For the long-term prevention and early control of regional seismic landslides, based on analyzing seismic landslide characteristics, the Newmark model was used to carry out the potential seismic landslide hazard assessment with a 50-year beyond probability 10%. The results show that the high seismic landslide hazard is mainly distributed along large active tectonic belts and deep-cut river canyons, and are significantly affected by the active tectonics. The low seismic landslide hazard is mainly distributed in the flat terrain such as the Quaternary basins, broad river valleys, and plateau planation planes. The major east-west linear projects mainly pass through five areas with high seismic landslide hazard: Luding-Kangding section, Yajiang-Xinlong (Yalong river) section, Batang-Baiyu (Jinsha river) section, Basu (Nujiang river) section, and Bomi-Linzhi (eastern Himalaya syntaxis) section. The seismic action of the Bomi-Linzhi section can also induce high-risk geo-hazard chains such as the high-level glacial lake breaks and glacial debris flows. The early prevention of seismic landslides should be strengthened in the areas with high seismic landslide hazard.©2023 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   
2022年1月8日发生的门源M6.9地震诱发了崩塌、滑坡、砂土液化、地裂缝等多种同震地质灾害。通过对门源M6.9地震地质灾害进行现场调查,得出了地质灾害的分布特征和各类型地质灾害的主要特点,分析了地震地质灾害不发育的原因,并对地震地质灾害的长期效应进行了分析预测。研究结果表明:门源地震诱发地质灾害主要分布在震中附近;崩塌、落石总体规模较小,滑坡多为岩质滑坡,且以冰碛物和表层岩土体的溜滑为主。受表层土体冻结和孔隙水压力消散的影响,饱和砂土液化沿较窄的地裂缝呈串珠状分布,喷出物多为粉细砂。地震形成了4条左旋左阶斜列的地表破裂带,并在极震区内形成了大量的地裂缝。断层破碎带对地震动的阻隔作用、覆盖层薄、地表土冻结可能是造成本次地震地质灾害总体不发育的主要原因;地震产生的大量地裂缝导致斜坡和堆积体的稳定性减弱,在耦合集中降雨、冻融作用等因素后可能诱发滑坡灾害,松散堆积于沟床处的崩滑物作为物源,可能会增加地震影响区泥石流灾害的风险。  相似文献   
There is considerable evidence of widespread damage in the 7th millennium habitation sites across Jordan. The origins of this damage are unknown, but the most widely accepted hypothesis associates the resulting rubble and gravel deposits with the Holocene Rapid Climate Change. One way of testing the various hypotheses is to provide a more reliable chronology for the event(s) in question. In this study, we used quartz OSL and feldspar IRSL signals to date accumulative rubble layers at two archaeological sites in Southern Jordan; Ba'ja and Basta. By comparison with the OSL ages, the IRSL ages demonstrate that most of the quartz samples were sufficiently well bleached at deposition to provide accurate ages. Quartz ages show that deposition of the rubble layers took place in different episodes starting around 8.5 ka and 6.0 ka. Ages from Ba'ja site agree with the archaeological expectations of time of deposition. However, the results from Basta are younger than the archaeological expectations, which are based mainly on architectural style and stratigraphy.  相似文献   
位于西南山地堆积体滑坡常受到地震和强降雨的双重作用,查明此类滑坡变形破坏机理是地质灾害防治和风险防控的基础。文章的研究对象是鲜水河断裂带附近的炉霍县马居滑坡。研究表明,地震作用对位于斜坡地带堆积体滑坡体结构损伤明显,不但使滑坡整体稳定性下降,还促使坡体内裂隙大量发育,利于降雨入渗,进一步恶化滑坡的水文地质条件。强降雨形成的大规模洪水和泥石流下切坡脚沟道,牵引滑坡体整体向下。长历时强降雨入渗影响坡体稳定性,且在降雨结束后较长时间持续影响坡体稳定性。因此,对此类滑坡防治的对策应考虑坡脚防护和抗滑支挡设置。在对防治方案的有效性分析后,表明防护方案在极端条件下仍然能保障安全性,达防治和风险管控的目的。  相似文献   
位于白龙江断裂带的甘肃舟曲江顶崖古滑坡规模巨大,受断裂活动、降雨入渗与河流侵蚀和人类工程活动等因素影响,多次发生复活-堵塞白龙江灾害事件,造成极大危害。为研究江顶崖古滑坡的复活机理,本文在野外地质调查的基础上,重点开展了滑体在含水率为10%、15%和20%条件下的离心机模型试验。研究表明:在滑体含水率为10%情况下,试验结束后仅在坡体中后部产生少量裂缝,但滑坡体整体还处于稳定状态; 而在滑体含水率为15%和20%情况下,滑坡均发生了破坏,在滑体含水率分别为15%、20%情况下坡体失稳所需离心加速度分别为100g和50g。试验测试分析表明,江顶崖古滑坡为推移式滑坡,其变形先从坡体中后部开始,坡体中后部产生裂缝,随后裂缝逐渐向前缘扩展,最终裂缝贯通造成滑坡滑动破坏。滑坡体的变形过程主要分为3个阶段: ①变形启动阶段(裂缝开始形成阶段); ②变形加速阶段(裂缝加速发展阶段); ③失稳阶段。通过离心模拟试验,结合野外调查分析,认为江顶崖古滑坡复活的因素主要受降雨和孔隙水压力的影响,是受前缘河流侵蚀牵引、降雨入渗造成滑坡中后部推移的耦合滑动。  相似文献   
藏东南的喜马拉雅东构造结地区作为青藏高原隆升最快的地区之一,复杂的地质背景条件决定了该区工程地质问题的复杂性和特殊性,并孕育了多种地质灾害。文章通过遥感解译、无人机测绘以及野外现场调查,详细分析了喜马拉雅东构造结北西侧通麦至鲁朗段已有滑坡的发育特征,总结了地质构造对滑坡的控制作用,结果表明:(1)构造演化形成的高陡斜坡为滑坡形成提供地形条件,滑坡后缘的断裂破碎带,为雨水入渗提供通道,形成滑坡边界;(2)斜坡岩体中发育的贯通性构造节理为滑坡提供滑动条件和物质基础;(3)地震震动对岩体结构造成直接破坏,并诱发同震滑坡。多种构造作用的耦合造成了川藏铁路通麦至鲁朗段滑坡的高易发性,相关结果可为铁路修建过程的边坡灾害管控提供参考和支撑。  相似文献   
特高位远程危岩崩塌具有突发性强、速度快、势能大、摧毁力强、冲击性大、影响范围广等特征. 滇东北地区镇雄县5处危岩位于乌峰山南缘斜坡地带, 地层近水平, 崩塌区地形坡度达70°以上. 崩塌区和危岩区基岩裸露面积为0.07 km2, 坡脚与坡顶高差达222 m, 危岩体平均高差159 m, 落石水平最大位移216 m, 属典型特高位远程危岩群. 采用定性和定量方法, 结合内外部条件, 综合分析危岩的10项基本影响因子, 评价其稳定性. 5处危岩在不同工况下稳定性差, 破坏模式为倾倒式, 高速远程动力崩塌易产生碎屑流, 呈散态扇形高速冲击流动, 裸露区面积大, 生态环境脆弱, 亟待治理.  相似文献   
浑河断裂带是辽宁抚顺地区最为重要的一条活动断裂。为了深入调查沿浑河断裂带地质灾害发育情况,了解灾害形成与先存断裂之间的关系,为同类型灾害的防治和预警提供科学依据。本文采用现场调查方法,结合地面变形监测资料,厘清了浑河断裂带灾害类型和发育规律,剖析了断裂带灾害的形成机理。研究结果表明:断裂隐伏区地裂缝发育,主要沿浑河断裂带分支断裂展布,裂缝延伸长度300~2 400 m;其成因是抚顺城区南部采矿活动诱发了先存软弱断裂面局部拉裂、张开,进而向地表扩展、贯通,形成地裂缝。在断裂延伸的基岩地区沿断裂破碎带及影响带发育小型滑坡,主滑方向与断裂走向垂直或大角度斜交;其形成机制与岩体内部发育的结构面有关,尤其是顺坡向优势结构面的发育,其与坡体耦合形成易滑结构体,在长期降雨作用下,结构面软化、贯通及岩土体加速蠕滑,最终形成滑坡。  相似文献   
针对库水位变化条件下滑坡的稳定性定量评价复杂问题,考虑降雨和库水位变化对地下水渗流场变化规律的影响机制,采用饱和-非饱和渗流的基本理论,运用渗流模拟有限元法,对重庆市武隆区羊角滩滑坡在6种不同工况下的库区滑坡的稳定性开展了模拟研究。结果表明: ①降雨工况下,降雨对地下水渗流场都有影响,滑坡中部位置受地下水位影响最大,前后部影响小,降雨条件下,滑坡稳定性随着降雨历时的增加而变小,到达一定阶段后,滑坡已经滑动,滑坡稳定性系数不再变化; ②库水位工况下,主要影响滑坡前缘,地下水位是随库水位变化而迅速变化的,随着库水位的上涨,滑坡稳定性系数呈现先减小后增大的趋势; ③地下水位的骤升对浮托作用影响有限,对压坡作用影响较大,同时降低了渗流力的影响,对滑坡稳定起到了积极作用,地下水位的骤降增大了渗流力,减弱了前缘库水位的压坡作用,滑坡失稳的可能性最大。可为库区该类滑坡的稳定性现状及发展趋势预判提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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